Welcoming the Newcomer

 February 18, 2020

Did you know that a Newcomer’s first interaction with a local S-Anon group typically starts on the S-Anon World Service Office website? There are many ways S-Anon groups can ensure a welcoming hand is extended to a Newcomer, and especially with the many recent updates to the S-Anon website and Meeting Posting Policy, S-Anon groups have more options now than ever before on how meeting information is presented to inquirers.

The WSO publishes the following information provided by S-Anon groups on www.sanon.org:

  • Meeting Name
  • Meeting City and State
  • Meeting Day and Time
  • Meeting Email Address, Information Line, and Website
  • Meeting AddressMeeting Additional Information

To find out what the Newcomer is seeing for your group, look at the Meeting Map and the Find a Meeting page on the S-Anon website. When considering the Newcomer’s journey to an S-Anon meeting, here are some suggested questions for the group to review:

  • Can you list off the steps a Newcomer must take before being able to show up at your specific meeting?
  • Is there anything your group could do to help streamline the process for a Newcomer wanting to attend your meeting?
  • Does your group annually update the WSO with accurate meeting information?
  • If your group wants to publish the meeting location, has permission been provided to the WSO to do so?
  • If your group has a generic email address or information line, does the member monitoring these accounts respond in a timely manner?
  • Is the Contact for Inquirer listed at the WSO still attending the meeting and responding to inquirers in a timely manner?

Since the WSO now publishes meeting locations, we ask all groups to consider allowing the WSO to distribute the meeting address on www.sanon.org. The intention of publishing meeting locations was to help create a straighter path to an S-Anon meeting for the Newcomer, but we understand that groups have different preferences and needs so what may work for one group may not for another. Has your group held a group conscience in deciding whether to publish the meeting location?

The WSO greatly appreciates when groups stay up-to-date with meeting information. Providing accurate information to a newcomer is just one way the WSO can do its part in carrying the message of hope and recovery. For more experience, strength, and hope on welcoming a Newcomer, feel free to reach out to your Area Delegate or Regional Trustee for support.

February 2020 Special Appeal

 February 11, 2020

The Special Appeal is a triannual request from the S-Anon World Service Office for 7th Tradition donations. Please share this appeal with your group and consider making a contribution today!

Dear S-Anon Members,

Very early in my recovery I was introduced to the onion analogy: the journey of peeling back my layers with a willingness to look at myself in order to uncover my true self. The pilgrimage was hard fought with many tears, some anger and finally, acceptance. I discovered a more authentic self amongst the mess of tears and emotional wreckage. Three years later, I am now willing to think of my journey as both an onion and a camellia flower. Where the onion conjures images of stink and tears, the camellia illustrates the beauty within myself and those who surround me. I like the idea of blossoming and fully blooming into me.

Before S-Anon, I didn’t even know I wasn’t living. Instead, I was a tight bud dying on the bush. S-Anon helped me regain my sense of self, my sense of worth and an opportunity to be more fully alive and loving. The gifts of the program are real and once I really started the program – I mean really started the program – I realized there was no going back to being less than my Higher Power intended for me.

Contributing to S-Anon simply means cultivating my soil, the soil of my fellow travelers and providing a path to those still wandering in sadness and despair not knowing where to look for relief. Please consider making a donation to the S-Anon World Service Office today, all contributions are greatly appreciated.


Michelle B.
Nashville, TN

Submitting a Motion to the World Service Conference

 January 21, 2020

As we begin a new year, you or your group may be considering submitting a motion to this year’s World Service Conference (WSC). Motions are due by March 1, so it’s time to get things on the road. We’ve made great progress in defining the process, so the experience doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips and steps to help you.

1. Motions are made to address issues that affect S-Anon as a whole. They may be about policies, procedures, or administrative approaches and should call for concrete action or change.

2. Let your Area Delegate or Regional Trustee know you’re planning to submit a motion. They can help you get questions answered. They also need to be in the loop because they are the ones who will actually make the motion at the WSC. If you don’t have an Area Delegate or Regional Trustee, contact the World Service Office for help in finding a member of the Board of Trustees to assist you.

3. Don’t hesitate to contact the World Service Conference Committee with your questions. This committee will help you make sure the motion is complete and in order. They process all the motions, so the more time you can give them to review your motion and help you finalize it, the better.

4. Keep it simple, precise, and limited to two pages. Our Motion Form will help you organize all the information WSC members will need in order to vote. State the intent – provide supporting principles and background. If more than one action is suggested, break it up into multiple motions. Answer the question: Why are we bringing this motion to the WSC now? A short summary of the history and current status of the issue will give WSC members valuable context. Include arguments pro and con. If you need help with the “con” arguments, the WSCC can help. Finally, include specifics about what happens if the motion passes. Will it become a part of the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, the Charter, or the Board of Trustees’ bylaws? Will other follow-up actions be necessary?

5. All motions must be “authored.” Anonymous motions are considered out of order. There is a place on the form to include your name and contact information.

6. Email your motion to the S-Anon World Service Office by March 1 ([email protected]). Once submitted, WSCC will review the motion and stay in touch with you regarding the progress of the motion. When the motion is determined to be in order, it will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to add the financial impact on the fellowship.

7. Before you begin writing, check out the following resources:
• S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Literature: “Writing a Motion to the World Service Conference”
S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual – World Service Conference Policies and Procedures, and the How Motions Come to the World Service Conference flow chart
• S-Anon Motion Form

The process doesn’t have to be mysterious or onerous. If you get stuck or confused, help is available. Just ask! The more we work together during the pre-conference process, the better the whole consideration and voting on your motion will be.

S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual

 December 18, 2019

The S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual has recently been updated with clarifying language regarding how groups are registered. To guard against the dilution of the S-Anon program, the S-Anon Board of Trustees has developed language specifying the use of S-Anon Conference Approved Literature during meetings:

To guard against the dilution of the S-Anon program (Tradition Four), the group will use S-Anon published literature as the primary recovery tool. S-Anon literature is written by S-Anon members, addresses the S-Anon “program” as experience by the group conscience of S-Anon members, and addresses the S-Anon “solution” as experienced by S-Anon members using the S-Anon Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service. We also ask that other S-Anon Conference Approved Literature be used in meetings only as a compliment to S-Anon published literature.

S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, “How Groups are Registered”

You can read the entire section of “How Groups are Registered” in the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual here.

Sounds of Healing International Convention


Have you registered yet?

Just two short months away until S-Anon members will gather in Nashville, TN, for the Sounds of Healing S-Anon and S-Ateen only International Convention. The current registration cost is $135.00 and pre-registration closes on January 11, 2020. Walk-in S-Anon registration is $145.00, and S-Ateen pre-registration and walk-in rate is $15.00.

Register Now!

The Inn at Opryland

Hotel rooms are available at the discounted rate of $149.00 for Interior Rooms and $139.00 for Exterior Rooms. Rooms need to be booked before January 4, 2020, and are available January 15-23, 2020.

Reserve Hotel Room

Please note: The Inn at Opryland is across the street from the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center.

Where to Eat

A catered continental breakfast will be available both Saturday and Sunday mornings and light snacks will be available throughout the event. Unlike previous International Conventions, meals will not be provided. Rather, attendees will have an opportunity to choose from multiple restaurants surrounding the hotel for lunch and dinner.

View Area Map

From the Treasurer’s Desk: Financials Explained

 November 19, 2019

As you review the final 2018 Profit & Loss Statement and January 1, 2019 Balance sheet, I wanted to highlight a few noteworthy items:

– We use the Cash Basis accounting method which means the 2018 final Profit & Loss statement includes some income and expenses from our first ever WSO S-Anon Standalone International Convention held in January 2019.

– An incredible donation of $10,000.00 was received from the July 2018 St. Louis International Convention (an additional $2,000.00 was received in January 2019). They did a wonderful job not only on the convention from an attendee experience standpoint, but an outstanding job on the fiscal aspect of the convention. THANK YOU, St. Louis S-Anon Convention Committee!

– During the later portion of 2018, we started the upgrading of our e-commerce store as well as the S-Anon website which is why the Telecommunications Expense is exceptionally higher than previous years.

2019: Year-to-Date

Here are a few projects from 2019 that have had significant impact on our financials to date:

– S-Anon recorded International Convention speakers from the January 2019 convention and the recordings are available for purchase on the S-Anon literature store under Audio Resources. These recordings include over 2 hours of stories from 7 S-Anon speakers and can be purchased for $20.00.

– In June, we launched our new website and e-commerce store. We paid the final installment for this upgrade and have already seen a profitable rate-of-return on our investment! We’re hoping the last three months are indicative of what’s to come for the future of our literature sales.

– We reprinted Exploring the Wonders of Recovery in a spiral bound version and it’s currently available for $15.00 plus shipping and handling.

2020: Looking Ahead

Through the collaborative efforts of the World Service Office, Finance Committee, and the Board of Trustees, we are currently in the process of preparing and adopting the 2020 Budget. A lot of hard work goes into creating a budget and we are very proud of all members of the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees that understand the significance of being entrusted with S-Anon’s financial security and well-being.

At our next International Convention, we are planning on recording not only the speakers, but one of the breakout rooms as well so be on the lookout for these recordings to be available on www.sanon.org by February 2020!

Thank you for all your support by making 7th tradition donations, purchasing items from our literature store, attending conventions and being a member of S-Anon!

– Dawnielle A., Board of Trustees Treasurer, [email protected]

P.S. The Finance Committee is currently made up of 4 members and we are looking for more! Do you have a background in finances or a skill set that would contribute to the work of the Finance Committee?

Please send me an email if you are interested in finding out more about serving on the Finance Committee: [email protected]

World Service Conference in Review

 November 14, 2019

Thank you, Seattle!

A lot goes into planning International Conventions but especially for the conventions that take place in July, Host Committees take on additional work of organizing the logistics around the annual face-to-face Board of Trustees meeting, General Delegate Assembly, and the World Service Conference. With the Host Committee’s help, members from all over the United States and Canada were provided a space to gather, brainstorm, and debate issues affecting the S-Anon fellowship. We are grateful for the above and beyond service the Seattle Host Committee provided for our fellowship.

Motion Results

The minutes from the WSC are now up on the Member Site and include the full agenda, discussion of motions, Board of Trustee Committee reports, and the Area Delegate Report. You can access this information here.

In summary, here are the results of the motions submitted to the 16th Annual World Service Conference:

Motion One

Motion One first opened with discussion and then was amended by the WSC to state:

Move that the following wording be added to the World Service Conference Charter, Section VIII. Conference Procedure:

If, after efforts have been made to bring a motion to an “in order” status but is unsuccessful and a motion is ruled “out of order,” the World Service Conference Committee will provide a report to the World Service Conference members of each “out of order” motion with a summary of why the motion is out of order.

The amended motion passed with 33 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstaining.

Motion Two

Motion to approve in concept the joint effort of the previous Archives Committee and the Literature Committee to publish a book about the history of S-Anon.

After discussion, the question was called, and the motion passed unanimously with 36 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining.

Brainstorming on Leadership & Service

During the WSC, attendees broke into five small groups to discuss how we can use the Twelve Concepts of Service to improve leadership and service for the fellowship. This was a wonderful opportunity for thoughtful discussion and group work!

Each small group considered several questions about an assigned Concept such as:

  • How does this Concept impact the way I serve as an Area Delegate, Board member, Regional Trustee, committee member, and/or committee chair for our fellowship?
  • What other ideas and suggestions do you have that could improve our fellowship-wide practice of this Concept?
  • How might this Concept apply to your personal recovery?

Groups recorded comments and ideas on poster paper and even illustrated the group’s answers. After the discussion, the facilitator brought the WSC back together and groups read the responses to each question for everyone.

THANK YOU to all who attended and took the time to participate in a beautiful display of the S-Anon Service Structure at work!

Nashville Sounds of Healing International Convention

 October 29, 2019

Please join the S-Anon International Family Groups as we celebrate the Sounds of Healing through a recovery filled weekend during the 2020 S-Anon and S-Ateen only International Convention!

Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19, 2020
Nashville, Tennessee

For more information, visit https://www.sanon.org/s-anon-conventions/sounds-of-healing/.

October 2019 Special Appeal

 October 18, 2019

The Special Appeal is a triannual request from the S-Anon World Service Office for 7th Tradition donations. Please share this appeal with your group and consider making a contribution today! 

Dear S-Anon Members,

When I first started doing service above the local level as an Intergroup Representative, I was asked by my group members why the S-Anon World Service Office (WSO) needs 7th Tradition money. On a practical level, there’s the cost of office space, equipment and supplies, paying special employees as per Tradition 8, and keeping voicemail and websites active and updated. For many, the WSO is the first point of contact in their journey to serenity through the S-Anon program.

When I became an Area Delegate, I understood even more. The WSO also assists with travel and lodging compensation to make it easier for the Area Delegates to participate in our annual World Service Conference. Your Area Delegate’s participation gives you a voice in policy, motions and discussions of issues concerning S-Anon as a whole. I’ve also gotten to know the committees that keep us going, such as Literature which keeps CAL up to date and is working diligently to create our own Traditions pamphlets, and Public Information and Outreach which focuses on spreading our message and reaching out to educate professionals about the S-Anon program.

My hope is that by understanding how the WSO impacts every S-Anon member, you will understand that each member’s 7th Tradition donation supports the WSO, creating a tradition cycle where members can continue to help members through mutual aid. We greatly appreciate your contribution!


Faigy S.
New Jersey Area Delegate

June 2019 Special Appeal & WSO Update

 June 26, 2019

Delegates, Group Representatives, and Intergroups: Please help facilitate participation in this Special Appeal by forwarding this request to those on your group contact list, reading this letter in 3 consecutive meetings and passing the donation basket around, or holding a business meeting to vote on a contribution amount.

We greatly appreciate your service!

June 2019

Dear S-Anon Members,

I am grateful for my recovery in S-Anon. It has saved my life and given me a life I love living. In this program I have been asked to stretch in ways I’d never considered before. I accept each challenge because I know that to keep what I have been given, I must also give. One of those challenges I have accepted is to serve as an Area Delegate.

Area Delegates participate in our S-Anon World Service Conference. Although as a Delegate I represent a specific Area, each Area Delegate serves the S-Anon Fellowship as a whole. Reimbursement for travel for Delegates throughout the United States and Canada can put a strain on the resources of the local Areas. This is one of the many financial obligations where the WSO helps to meet the needs of our fellowship. Some service positions require no financial support and others quite a bit. During this special appeal, in accordance with our Seventh Tradition, please prayerfully consider a donation to the World Service Office.

If you, like me, are grateful for S-Anon and want the hand of S-Anon to be there for those whose lives have been affected by another person’s sexaholism, please consider offering your financial gift to the World Service Office. You can donate easily through the S-Anon online store at www.sanon.org.

You can see if your Area has a Delegate by contacting the World Service Office. If you find that your Area does not yet have one, you can practice our slogan, “Let it Begin with Me.”


Tamie F.
Idaho Area Delegate

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