Literature that is published by S-Anon, SA, Al-Anon, and AA is conference-approved for use in our meetings. This policy dates from the time when S-Anon had very little literature of our own because our fellowship was so new. We now have much more S-Anon conference-approved literature, arising from the need for our fellowship to express the experience, strength, and hope that is uniquely ours as S-Anon members.  Literature published by S-Anon can be purchased in the Literature Store.

In order to preserve the unity of the S-Anon fellowship (Tradition One), our meetings focus on the S-Anon approach to recovery. That is why we recommend that during the meeting there be no mention of specific titles or authors, or discussion of publications other than S-Anon conference-approved literature.

Experience has shown us several other reasons for using only conference-approved literature during our meetings:

  1. It speaks directly to our recovery from the effects of sexaholism, based upon the experiences of other S-Anon members (Tradition Five).
  2. It focuses on the solution rather than the problem, and explains the Twelve-Step approach to recovery.
  3. We do not wish to appear, even indirectly, to endorse any theory of sexual addiction, co-addiction, or particular therapeutic approach for recovery (Tradition Six).


The Process

The process of conference approval ensures that S-Anon members, regional representatives, and volunteer editors and readers will thoroughly review the material before publication so that it will be an expression of S-Anon principles supported by the group conscience of S-Anon members. Original material submitted by S-Anon members is coordinated and edited by S-Anon members who may be professional writers and editors. The full names of S-Anon members never appear in the title of S-Anon material, nor is authorship acknowledged. All published material becomes the sole property of the S-Anon fellowship (complete the Media and Written Release Form). The First and Fourth Traditions of S-Anon are violated when any group, intergroup, or any other service arm publishes its own literature.

Proposals for the creation of new literature or the broad revision of existing material are brought to the S-Anon Board of Trustees for approval. The material is then developed, and proposed content is reviewed by members of the Literature Committee and presented to the Board of Trustees for their recommendation. If the Board of Trustees recommends approval, the final draft is sent to all members of the Literature Committee for their vote to “approve” or “disapprove” the material as conference-approved Literature.


Other Publications

S-Anon Service Tools and Materials

S-Anon Service Tools and Materials are created by the S-Anon World Service Office, an S-Anon Board of Trustees (BOT) Standing Committee, or as the result of an S-Anon World Service Conference discussion.  Service tools and materials are reviewed by the BOT, several members of the Literature Committee, and are approved by the entire BOT.  Service Tools and Materials primarily offer suggestions on “how to” conduct certain activities, such as starting a meeting, hosting marathons and international conventions, and handling business matters.  The S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual is an example of S-Anon Service Material.  For a complete list of S-Anon Service Tools and Materials, please visit the Literature Store.



The S-Anews© newsletter was a quarterly publication of the S-Anon International Family Groups (SIFG).  Its purpose was to enhance the recovery of subscribers by publishing articles written by members on different facets of their own recovery, and by keeping subscribers informed of the activities of the S-Anon Board of Trustees and the SIFG office. The S-Anews© also included news of individual groups and regions, and announcements of upcoming events, although S-Anon does not endorse events sponsored by anybody other than an S-Anon group or intergroup.

The idea of having an S-Anon newsletter is conference-approved, but it is not possible to follow the full procedure for conference-approved literature. Nevertheless, everything published in the S-Anews©, including personal stories and issues affecting the fellowship, was reviewed for its fidelity to the S-Anon program and principles.

In 2013, publication of the S-Anews© was suspended indefinitely.  Select stories from past issues of the S-Anews© continue to be available online and provide experience, strength and hope to S-Anon members.


Outside Publications

There are many outside publications on sexaholism, co-addiction, religion, and philosophy which appeal to members as individuals, and we are encouraged to read whatever we find helpful, but S-Anon cannot assume the responsibility for evaluating or recommending reading matter other than conference-approved literature (that is, S-Anon, SA, Al-Anon, or AA literature). It is a violation of Traditions One and Four to promote the sale of outside literature during our meetings.

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