Meetings should open and close on time, but there is no rigid formula for an S-Ateen meeting. A suggested meeting format is provided because most new groups find a general outline to be helpful, especially if no one in the group has attended any Twelve-Step meetings. Because S-Ateen groups are autonomous, not every group chooses to plan its meeting this way. However, this format is Conference-Approved, which means that it reflects the experience of a wide variety of S-Ateen individuals and groups.

The conference-approved format and suggested readings are available as free downloads below (the format can be customized to your group’s needs).   Suggested meeting topics are also available.

We suggest that you try the format, and then adapt or vary it to suit the needs of your group. We ask only that you keep in mind that “adaptation” does not mean substituting readings from material that has not been conference-approved (Tradition One). (Literature published by S-Anon, SA, Al-Anon and AA is Conference-Approved for use in our meetings.)

Further suggestions for successful meetings, can be found in the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual.

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