The S-Anon Literature Committee Editors have designed a survey to assist in the development of future Conference Approved Literature (CAL). One of our committee’s purposes is to ensure that CAL is responsive to the identified needs of the fellowship. We believe a helpful way to identify our fellowship’s needs for CAL is to ask our members directly.

We would like your input on CAL you would find useful for your recovery. As you consider possible literature topics, please keep in mind that all our literature is written by S-Anon members from the S-Anon point of view, and all content adheres to our Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service.

Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey as soon as you are able but by 3/15/24 at the latest. We also ask that you share the survey links with your group members and other S-Anon contacts so that we can obtain a broad member representation in the responses.

Thank you for your participation.

Take the Survey

 January 16, 2024

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