The Board of Trustees Treasurer provides some insight into 2022 financial results, a brief overview of 2023 activities, and new literature and events coming in 2024.


Now that we have filed S-Anon’s 2022 IRS tax return, I wanted to share with our S-Anon family that we ended the fiscal year with net income of $29,204.

Our Income: Compared with 2021, our literature sales decreased in 2022 by $3,292 and our Seventh Tradition contributions decreased by $3,814. There were no international convention proceeds in 2022, a decrease of $8,000. The overall difference in our Net Revenue between 2022 and 2021 was a decrease of $31,032.

Our Expenses: S-Anon did not incur any meeting-related travel expenses for 2022 because there were no in-person international conventions. The Board of Trustees (BOT) and the World Service Conference (WSC), comprised of the BOT and the Area Delegates, utilized an on-line video conferencing platform to conduct our meetings for 2022. The World Service Conference Committee and additional volunteers did an amazing job of utilizing a virtual conference platform for the WSC for the second year in a row.

S-Anon worldwide meetings continued to meet via phone, video platform, in a hybrid format, or in a few in-person meetings. We also were able to meet via video platforms for marathons, retreats, etc. Kudos to all who continued to provide meeting opportunities for recovery allowing us to continue experiencing a broader range of experience, strength, and hope.

Compared with 2021, our total expenses for 2022 Increased by $15,041. This included a new search engine optimization effort to help those seeking help to more easily find S-Anon’s website. We also undertook some website updates and maintenance in 2022 to improve our website.

2022 Profit & Loss Statement

2022 Balance Sheet


We were able to gather again as a recovery family in person at the 2023 S-Anon International Convention on June 23-25 in Nashville, TN. What an amazing weekend! The recordings from this event are available for purchase from the S-Anon literature store under audio products. Also available for purchase are recordings from the S-Anon January 2020 International Convention in Nashville and the speakers at the Chicago S-Anon Area Retreat in October 2022. We continued to update and upgrade portions of our website.

Looking forward to 2024…

Look for upcoming retreats and marathons on our website. Our recovery family will be gathering in co-operation with SA at an international convention in Los Angeles, CA, on July 12-14, 2024, Courage to Change: S-Anon, S-Ateen, and SA International Conventions.
Prior to the convention in Los Angeles, the following S-Anon service bodies will be gathering for meetings: the BOT on July 11 for their face-to-face meeting during the day, the Area Delegates on July 11 for their face-to-face meeting that evening, and the WSC on July 12 during the day.  More information about Area Delegates may be found on the S-Anon website, including which areas currently have representation and which are in need of an Area Delegate.

We would like to thank the fellowship for their continued support of the World Service Office (WSO) through their S-Anon groups and as individuals via Seventh Tradition contributions and the purchase of S-Anon Literature. Speaking of literature, be on the lookout for our newest S-Anon book, Along the Journey: The Story of S-Anon’s First Forty Years, which will soon be available through our online store.

We have completed the 2024 Budget, a collaboration between the WSO, the Finance Committee, and the BOT, and an article to update the fellowship on the budget will be published in an upcoming WSO Update.

Again, thank you for all your support both financially by making Seventh Tradition contributions and purchasing items from our literature store, and in other ways by volunteering for service, attending conventions, and being a member of S-Anon.

Thank you,

Dawnielle A.
Treasurer, Board of Trustees

 March 18, 2024

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