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  • #40629
    Robin USA

    Let’s get to know one another!

    Here’s an example;
    Hi, my name is Robin A and I live in the United States. We have 3 S-Anon meetings in New Mexico, my state. One meets in person and is an 11th Step meeting focusing on meditation on a specific topic. The other two meetings are virtual, and include people from the state as well as those from other locations in the United States.

    One of my favorite program slogans is, “Progress not perfection.” This slogan has given me permission to be human. I used to think that I had to do everything perfectly, or it wasn’t good enough. Now I know that “good enough” is often good enough. I recognize that it’s OK to be a work in progress!


    Hi, my name is Mercedes and I live in rural Missouri in the United States. As the nearest face-to-face meeting is 2+ hours away, I attend a few different virtual meetings. While the Pandemic may have kept us from meeting in person, HP has provided so many opportunities to meet with my fellows to hear and share Experience, Strength, and Hope. A real gratitude that recovery can continue and thrive during these times.

    Service is the core of my recovery in S-Anon. Starting early on my journey, small services like setting out books and chairs (or putting them up) helped me begin to accept my reality. Working on an International Convention and multiple multi-day marathons helped me work the Steps and learn the Traditions. While my recovery grows stronger, I’ve served the fellowship outside my original Home Group and am grateful to be a fellow among fellows. It also introduced me to so many wonderful S-Anons whose friendship and ESH have helped me along my continuing recovery. I want to keep what I’ve been given and the best way I know is to give back with service.

    Grateful S-Anon,


    Hi, my name is Gosia. I am based in Warsaw, Poland.
    Since a few years I have been the Polish Intergroup Chair.

    Polish S-Anon, set up in 2010, has been still growing rapidly. We have developed a lot, presently offering F2F meetings in the main cities of Poland, as well as a few online meetings a week. We have participated in SA/S-Anon Conventions twice a year and organized many different recovery, steps and traditions workshops. We translate the literature in the Literature Committe.

    Personally, I am very grateful to be also a member of Australian online S-Anon meetings where I can learn from their ESH. For me, the most important aspect of the programme, which undoubtedly rescued my marriage and our daughter’s life, is ACCEPTANCE (AAA) of the reality which I have today and which helps me live in serenity one day at a time. I am in love with 12 Traditions. I believe service can keep me sober.

    In service then, Gosia Cz.


    Gosia – so glad you’re here!
    Robin A

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by robinforums.

    Mercedes – Thanks for joining in! We’re glad you’re here.
    Robin A

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by robinforums.

    HI all, my name is Kathleen. I live in the US, in the state of Missouri, in one of the larger cities. There are currently 2 local meetings. When I first started the only meeting was brand new, no one had any recovery or experience. But, it was an in person meeting with a handful of people who were desperate for community and spiritual tools. It was good enough!! We used the S-Anon literature every week, and soon started a group step study, as suggested by group sponsorship from other communities. I loved the group step study, and went on to study the Traditions and the Concepts as well.

    Our meetings are still virtual, and I miss seeing everyone in person. Sometimes we plan walks outside. But I am grateful for all the virtual meetings, I attend many every week. The virtual meetings have allowed me to be active with a group in Singapore, as the group step study member with experience. Happy to pass on what was given to me.


    Hello everyone! My name is Lindsay W., and I work at the S-Anon World Service Office in Nashville, TN, USA. I always enjoy connecting with members worldwide and hearing about the progress S-Anon is making locally, and I especially enjoy seeing groups translate S-Anon literature as I know this is a main avenue for spreading the message of S-Anon recovery. As the WSO grows and matures, my hope is that we will become a solid resource for all international service structure endeavors! Thank you all for being here!


    Hi, everyone! I’m Laura and I started South Africa’s first S-Anon meeting 18 months ago. No one attended for almost six months, which was discouraging. But I stuck with it and we now have about 3-5 people who attend our weekly Zoom meeting. We have never had an in-person meeting. Service is a big part of working my program, so I’m grateful to be here. Thank you.

    Robin USA

    I can relate. I sat for many many months by myself waiting for people to show up at the Albuquerque, New Mexico meeting. Eventually they started to trickle in. It took about three years to get a steady base of S-Anons coming. Now our state has 3 – count them! – 3 weekly meetings, with many regulars.

    Hang in there! It takes time and patience.

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